Thursday, January 21, 2010

We are on a break

This month, my doctor has put us on a break. The drugs were too much in my system and the doctor decided my body needed a rest period. I have felt so much better and had more energy. I am still tired, but much less cranky and generally feel happier. I was initially so sad that we were not pregnant again and even further disappointed to learn that this month we would not be actively trying but have decided to look at this as time my body needs to prepare for the next course of treatment. My husband and I are actively appreciating each other and focusing on us as a couple this month. I have had sweets, coffee, and wine this month and lost a couple of pounds. I am in a good place mentally and hope this time spent relaxing and shifting my focus will be time well spent.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Day 11

Yesterday was day ten of my cycle. My doctor ordered an HSG test this month to ensure my tubes are not obstructed. There is a lot of information on the net about the test some accurate, some not. I will attempt to report my experience in the most accurate way I know how. The test is a special type of x-ray whereby the radiologist injects a special type of dye directly into the opening of the cervix and the liquid flows backwards into the tubes and spills out into the cavity. The liquid is supposed to be harmless and is either absorbed by your body or exits though the vaginal opening. I was asked to wear a sanitary napkin after the test and did experience some leakage. The amount of liquid used in the procedure is small and did not present a problem for me. The test was short in duration, about five to ten minutes from start to finish. The test begins with the radiologist inserting the speculum in to the vaginal opening. He then began to clean my cervix with iodine to prevent infection. This was done a total of three times - the standard. he then inserted a small - think size of a ball point pen head - catheter into the opening of my cervix which he then inflated to form a seal. He then injected the liquid into my cervix all the while I was under the x-ray machine. the liquid flowed through both of my tubes, he removed the equipment, and the test was over. The catheter was painful and the inflation of the balloon was even more painful but it was extremely short lived - a few seconds of pain and three to five minutes for the test. My doctor prescribed doxycycline for three days to prevent any infection. I got nauseous that morning from the doxycycline because I did not eat with the medication. All in all, I am glad I did the test. My tubes are open and that is great news. They are smaller than I has imagined. The test was put on disk and I brought it to my fertility specialist that afternoon. I will have an ultrasound and maybe a shot on Sunday and we will see if this round nets results.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day Four

My last treatment was unsuccessful. I began a new cycle around noon of the 31st day. I am now on day 2 of femara and have a HSG scheduled for day 10 of my cycle. I am very nervous as the test is reportedly painful and fallopian tubes are quite delicate. My doctor has decreased my dosage of femara to 2.5 mg due to the fact my uterine lining is becoming thin - a noted side effect of femara. Even though my test is scheduled for this cycle, I will continue on my treatment path and make an attpemt at conception this month. I am praying this is the month.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 29 or 13 Days Past Ovulatoin

I am on day 29 of my cycle which is also 13 days past ovulation. Last evening, I felt twinges in my cervical area. I also have had very sore breasts and nipples and felt a little pudgy in the stomach area. Although I ahve not been overly excited, I have been hopeful this go around. I took a test this morning and it was negative. Not even a faint line. I will test again in a few days.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Day 25 or Day 9 past ovulation

After my last post, my doctor prescribed 2 mg of estrogen by patch to be changed every 72 hours. The estogen patch is referred to as a "dot" but is more patch-like than anything. I have been on the estrogen patch for 10 days. I place them on my body in the evening and change them every three days. The first few days, I went to bed at 9:30 or so and woke up at 3:30. I was not able to go back to sleep. I have since noticed that my sleep is better but not great. I have trouble sleeping anyway so I am not sure this is entirely estrogen patch related.

The past week was Thanksgiving week. I was super busy. I left work at 3:30 on Wednesday, ran errands, arrived home, cleaned (a lot), and began preparing our Thanksgiving meal. I got up around 7:45 Thanksgiving morning and finished the cooking. We ate around 2:30 then played board games. I went to bed around 9:00. We woke up at 4:30 the following morning to participate in the annual Black Friday shopping tradition. We finished shopping and were at my parents by 10:30 a.m. We ate around 1:00 and by 2:30, I was wiped. My husband and I made it home around 3:30. I slept from then until about 6:00. I got up the following morning, got ready for the day, laid down on the couch around 10:00 and napped most of that day. Sunday, I rejoined the world and did some light grocery shopping. I am back to work today and feel about the same. My energy levels have not been great in years so it is difficult to tell what type of effect the treatment is having on my overall energy level. I suspect that my PCOS has impacted my general ability to sleep and feel rested but I am not certain as to what extent.

I have noticed some breast tenderness and my nipples are tender. They seem to be slightly peeling as if they were swollen and the swelling has gone down. Other than the noted conditions, I have not noticed any other changes. I do not feel particulary pregnant but I remain hopeful that this treatment worked.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Day 15 Ultrasound and HGC Shot

This morning was my day 15 ultrasound. It was good. I had one follicle that measured 19 mm, one measuring 13 mm, and one measuring 12 mm. The 19 mm is great news. This is the one most likely to mature and release. This is a 3 mm increase over last month on the same day. Because the largest of the follicles was in the desired range, the nurse gave me my shot in the office. She also remarked that my ovaries are looking less polycystic. This gives me hope that the drug/diet/no smoking combo seems to be working. Since I am not sure which is the red herring and which is actually producing results, I will continue my current course and pray for the best.

It is also worth noting that my lining was what they refer to as a three stripe. While the nurse remarked that it looked thin, she stated the three stripe was desirable. They will call later to let me know if the Doctor wants to put me on estrogen to thicken it.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day 14

I am on day fourteen of my cycle and I am nervous. I have been very good about my diet. On day nine, I had a few friends over and had a half a glass of wine and one and a half beers. This was over several hours. Other than that, I have had no alcohol, no soda, no caffeine, and severely restricted sweets. I never realized how difficult it is to cut out sugar. It is in everything! I have a cup of yogurt everyday to ward off yeast infections from the treatments. It is loaded with sugar. I switched to fat free, light yogurt and it still has 14 grams of sugar. My Lean Cuisine pizza had 52 carbs and 6 grams of sugar. Carbs will turn to sugar. It is a real struggle to eat healthy. I have always considered myself to be a healthy eater. I don't eat fast food. I don't eat meat. I don't go overboard on sweets. Since I have been tyring to be a more conscious eater on this fertility program, I have noticed there is not much out there that is healthy. I have resolved to do the best I can without causing myself too much stress, which is also counterproductive to the fertility process.

I go to the doctor at 7:30 in the morning for my ultrasound. I am hopeful that we will get good news. If my folicle is more than 18 mm, I will get an HCG shot. Last month it was 16mm and I took my shot at home the following night. The difference is so slight, but the difference between our concieving and not.

I am prayerful this treatment round will work. I want more than anything to be a mother and I pray that this is the cycle that will bring our baby to us.